An overview of the options available to Independent School Districts for going solar. Presentations from Irving ISD, Presidio ISD, the State Energy Conservation Office, and the Solar Foundation.
The "Understand Solar Financing Options" section of SEIA's guide offers a thorough review of federal, state, and utility incentives as well as public and private financing options.
This guide from the U.S. Department of Energy focuses on clean energy financing options for school administrators, facility managers, and other K-12 school decision makers who are considering investments in high performance school projects. It walks through the financing options available to K-12 schools and provides case studies of six school districts from around the country.
The Schools and Local Government Energy Program provides a number of services to assist school districts and other entities in setting up and maintaining effective energy efficiency programs. The program provide assistance through energy efficient school partnerships and energy management training workshops.
The Preliminary Energy Assessment (PEA) helps improve energy efficiency in public buildings by offering technical assistance to reduce energy costs, increase available capital, spur economic growth and improve working and living environments. The PEA recommends cost effective resource efficiency measures that could be implemented to reduce utility consumption and/or utility costs. SECO provides this service at no cost to the participating public entity. The North Central Texas Council of Governments recommends to have a PEA done by SECO to establish where solar might fit into overall energy efficiency improvements and energy saving potential.
The Texas LoanSTAR (Savings Taxes and Resources) revolving loan program provides low interest rate loans to assist Texas public institutions by financing their energy-related cost-reduction retrofits. Loan recipients include cities, counties, school districts, state agencies, public institutions of higher education, and tax-district supported public hospitals.
The Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives and policies the promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.